The following post was recently provided by Clemente Rivera, a long-term user of SureWater Technologies products, who is currently serving as a Regional Pool Manager with New York Sports Clubs. Clemente has integrated "The Solution X-2" into several of the facilities he is responsible for with great success in the area of water chemistry management and specifically with the control of combined chlorine. Should you want to discuss his results with him further, please email me at
robert@sureh2o.com and I will forward his contact info to you. I'll step out of the way now and let him describe his experience.
[Clemente] I just wanted to say that I’m very happy with the progress of the X-2 Installations in the
New York Sports Clubs. We have a Dual System in Butler, NJ (pictured), a system running a Pool and Spa in Ramsey, NJ, and a X-2 Chlorinator install in Deer Park, NY.
The Systems are running very well. I have gotten very positive feedback from staff, and members alike. Most members think we don’t use chlorine! “We cant smell it”, is their surprising response…”you must be using Salt…”, when I tell them that is not the case, they still look dumbfounded. I love it!
After about a month tweaking them all, I found one trend that is very exciting…There is in fact a “sweet spot” in dosing, that you can set any pool to obtain the appropriate amount of sanitation to offset organic demand, AND chloramine buildup. After dealing with 3 pools of approximately the same size, with varying degrees of usage, I have found that a feed setting of no more than 11ppm per hour is needed to achieve the proper sanitation levels in your pool – in conjunction with a maintained chlorine level of about 2.5-3.0 ppm. At this level, My logs have been flawless in showing Combined Chlorine readings of no more than 0.2 ppm!!! Before that, I had to maintain these pools at 4ppm, and they still yielded chloramine levels of 1.0ppm and above…
How to achieve these results:
For the X-2 Feeder:
1. Calculate Pool Volume: L x W x Avg Depth X 7.5 = Pool gallons
2. Divide that volume by 10,000, then multiply it by 117.7
3. Take that number and divide by 128. This is your GALLONS per HOUR. Set your X-2 feeder accordingly.
For The Solution – since it reads chlorine flow in gpm – divide the above result by 60, for your Solution setting.
This setting will provide the sanitation level you need to feed Bleach into your pool.
Now – slowly set your ORP upwards, until you are maintaining 2.5-3.0 ppm, with a pH of 7.4, and you're set! (PPM controllers: simply set your PPM to the same range). Do this with a pool with high chloramines, and let me know how fast the chloramines drop…My record is 2 weeks (the pool had 2.0ppm chloramines in it before I started, and it went down to 0.2 ppm - without shocking!) – within the month – the room actually smells like the rest of the club!
After the first 2 weeks, recheck your ORP settings…you may find that the Initial ORP setting now makes for too low of a chlorine reading; this is due to the organic loads being overcome by the chlorine, resulting in less chlorine needed to achieve the ORP setting. Bring up your setting to the appropriate setting to maintain the 2.5 – 3.0 chlorine level, and you guarantee the most sterile water possible. Your sensors will not need acid cleanings, as the organics will be negligible at this point, and you will enjoy the sweet smell of ultra low chloramines; without the use of UV, using BLEACH!
If any of your constituents need any advice, or want to show me what they have done, please feel free to pass my info to them. I'm working on a useful calculation for X-2 pH feed shortly.
Clemente Rivera – Regional Pool Manager – NYSC
Town Sports International